Smt. Susheela Singh
Smt. Susheela Singh is basically belongs to rural area of vaishali district, Bihar. After the completion of academic period, B.Sc. successfully he could have join in best places, as he had many golden opportunities of carrier but, the poor status of community, pace of exploitation, poverty and poor participation of people in community development motivated him to work for the people,and since than, he stated working as a social worker since 1985. Later on, the VSKS got registered. Presently, he is the acting Secretary of VSKS. He as a team leader and their dedicated supporting staffs working for the overall development of poor, needy, illiterate and exploited population in various districts where development indicators are reported poor or below average.
I feel immense pleasure to present this annualreport, 2018-2019 in front of you all. It was nice journey with a lots of experience and learning’s while implementation of various activities and programs in and around the operational areas in Bihar.
Further, I also would like to share a few positive changes which have been come up through executing various schemes and programs in vaishali district, Bihar. Around 15 neglected children have been rescuedand successfully either in CWC, Hajipur, or in their respective parental places after moral boost up with emotional support. Around 56 outreach programs have been successfully organized with school student, teachers, PRI’s, ASHA’s, AWW’s, including community members by our team members under child line program.
Sensitization to Chaukidars on child rights care & protection has been facilitated by our members in all operational areas of Vaishali.
Under TB eradication program 96 people have been identified and linked up with local government health posts for further treatment.
Under Save the Girls Child Campaign [Bitiya Bachao Abhiyan], the organization made a significant role through sensitizing mass about fundamental rights, equal opportunity and overall development of girls in the family and in the society of rural as well as urban areas of Vaishali district, Bihar
A series of public contacts as well as meetings have been conducted in various corners in Vaishali district with an aim to share about declining female sex ratio, ban of un-registered ultrasound clinics and work for equal rights of both boys and girls in the present society. A number of influential persons – Chairman “ Child Protection & Women Empowerment Committee, State Program Manger-Action Aid, Civil Surgeon –Vaishali, Asst Director –Social Protection Cell and other dignitaries took active participation during this events.
We realize that – yet we have to work hard n-hard for the best interest of all vulnerable children, women and people of deprived and isolated population in all operational areas where we are working in.
I pay handful thanks to all my staff, local CBO’s, member SHG’s, key stakeholders, govt. officials including our funding agencies who extended a valuable suggestions cum support to make various program – successful!
With Best Compliments
Smt. Susheela Singh
Name of CEO [VSKS] | Sri. Kaushal Kishor Vikal
Mob. No.- 9431854523 |
Contact Person | Smt. Aachal Singh, Executive Director
Mob. No.- 9534796921, |
Email Id: | vsks1@rediffmail.com, |